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menu-Caturdays and Sundays

Caturdays and sundays, inspirerad av katter.


Kolla in vår sportiga kollektion inspirerad av känslan och energin i boxning!

Chapter 1

For spring we are joining an interesting Book Club that takes us to new worlds without having to leave home, reading real classics like The Secret Garden, The Moomins and Orlando. They are so romantic and also inspire us to start letter correspondences with distant relatives and neighbours. Hopefully they will respond! Would really love a mail pigeon...

Chapter 2

Finally we are on our way to sparkling sea, warm cliffs and warm winds. Books, swimwear, camera, toothbrush, clothes and letter paper are all packed. We are going to stay there for the whole long summer. We promise to write! Xoxo

Chapter 3

When Summer is around the corner we dare to dream big. The daydreams are mostly about a lazy holiday in the sun somewhere in a tropical Paradise, just reading in a hammock in the shadow of a palm tree, sipping on fruit drinks and swimming in a turquoise blue ocean. We will love every moment of it! And think of all the many interesting photos we will take and show back home! We are also dreaming about getting another kitten…

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